burrito @burrito

“I was born in the wrong generation” NO YOU WERE NOT

  • Did you love the idea of crossing the United States to Manifest Destiny™? I hope you also love dying of dysentery in a hot cart pulled by two sickly horses in the middle of the Wyoming wilderness!

  • “I would have loved to live in the Victorian era it’s just so ✨ aesthetic ✨” The aesthetic is wholly ruined once you’re diagnosed with smallpox and the doctor’s best cure is to stand on your head in a bucket filled with leeches on each equinox

  • “Music these days is so garbage. I hate mumble rappers, I only listen to Queen and Pink Floyd.” 1. Nobody stops you from having preferences or forcing you to listen to music you don’t like 2. Congratulations you’re quirky and unique for listening to music that millions of other people listen to each month would you like a medal or a monument 3. Literally nobody cares about your music taste so why whine about it

  • “They don’t make music like this anymore” BRO THIS MUSIC VIDEO IS FROM 2017 HOLY CRAP ARE YOU FIVE YEARS OLD

Oct 5, 2023, 2:29 AM
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