gryffin @gryffin

Another day, another war. I don’t fully know the history of Israel and Palestine, so i won’t give definite comments on who I support or anything. However, I have seen some footage of Hamas assaults on Israel, and goddamn it is messed up. Hamas has been explicitly targeting civilians, even going as far as to bomb Israel’s music festival. They have taken numerous hostages that have not posed any threat to them, and have slaughtered numerous families, babies included. There was one clip where they shot a car’s passengers dead to get though a road gate, then stormed the house, kidnapped the family, and burned the whole place down. Not to mention, harming civilians is a literal war crime. I’m leaning more towards Israel because of all this but I’ll do some research and see what the history and motivation for this war is. Apparently Iran and Qatar are supporting Palestine too but I don’t know if they are giving direct assistance. For all those affected, stay strong. Israel has a lot more supporters, and I’m sure they’ll come on top in the end.

Oct 11, 2023, 12:22 AM
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Israel has no way to claim they are the victim in the larger Israel-Palestine conflict and this is certainly not an unprovoked attack. Israel has been bulldozing the homes of Palestinians for over half a century, separating them, restricting their freedoms, and forcing them into open air prisons like Gaza where they are regularly deprived of basic rights and killed for expressing even peaceful resistance/protest to these conditions.

Saying that you will oppress a group of people because you do not agree with what they will vote for when they are free is not right. I do not go around saying that all right-wing people in the U.S. (who I disagree with) should be forced into prisons, have their homes taken over by leftists, and should be oppressed and brutalized regularly by the government.

This is actually remarkably similar to the Ukraine-Russian war. Russia believes that Ukraine is siding with NATO, and is willing to oppress the Ukrainians to prevent Ukraine from having sovereignty and its citizens from making free choices.

The way to change the mindset of citizens is not to oppress them. Sanctions, tariffs, economic pressure, diplomacy, international laws, etc. can be effectively used, but Israel responding to violence with more unjustifiable violence is not a solution.