da-ta @da-ta

My Discord server called ta’s hangout turns 3 years old today, with 170+ members and over 1.2 million messages. Never would’ve expected for the server to get this far! Here’s the history of its branding over the years.

Oct 13, 2023, 8:17 PM


me when gyro has like 1/10th of the messages in the server

when i search it up it doesnt show, could you give me an invite as a reply to this message?

you can join via the website, just hit the "join" button on https://hangout.seanjw.com

sounds like a cool server

1.2 million???????

Yeah 1.2 million messages since the start, pretty wild to think about 🤯

It’s a great server, glad I joined it a week ago!

Glad you’re enjoying your time there!