marc92020 @marc92020

ok so i heard of a weird thing that happened at my school

so 2 kids were wrestling (idk if it was at school or somewhere else idk someone else told me about this incident) and the one that lost decided to send a gun threat to a whole bunch of people. everyone thought it was fake until he went on a group chat with lots of people in the school (i have a theory that its a snapchat group and if its the one with the whole school (or at least eveyrone in the school thst has snapchat) then i had a chance to see it, although i highly doubt it and it was probably in a group chat with all the people that are in the friend group that the gun threat guy is in (which is a very big friend group)) a picture of an actual gun

idk if the gun was fake, if it was just a picture found somewhere on the internet, or if it was an actual gun, but i dont really care. its just kinda weird that somebody (especially a kid at that goes to the school he threatened) would threaten to start a school shooting over a wrestling match.

this post was way too long

Oct 16, 2023, 7:39 PM
