marc92020 @marc92020

stupid story here today

so today we had a lockdown drill because the school wants to prepare for something that probably has a 5% chance of happening down where I live but they still happen

but my class is somehow able to piss off a teacher by a lockdown cuz when it started, people were screaming and yapping their asses off

that one part annoyed the teacher so much we had to spend the entire second recess practicing how to do a lockdown drill (we also had to get assigned places for lockdown drills now)

oh yeah I also accidentally farted during it which caused the entire class to laugh very much (and when I told my friends I was the one who did it (even tho it was kinda obvious) some other kid goes and tells the rest of the class that I did it) but luckily it wasn’t one of the reasons the teacher got mad

I don’t know why I included the last part but I did

Oct 26, 2023, 8:15 PM
