kaleb @kaleb

(I stole the following idea from @wynd)

Comment something below and I will run it through Google Translate at least 50 times and reply the result.)

Dec 12, 2023, 10:18 PM
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The penguin crisis could leave the next generation of salmon fish, according to president penguin the salmon will be low. The research, carried out that ten salmon was lost, on icebergs risk creating a “lost salmon generation” of older fish entering poor health and poor salmon to support themselves in iglos. Almost half of penguins in their fish and salmon worsen over the next year, and many report that the fish is not as good as salmon and mental fish has gone down during salmon season according to the research penguins are better in trainers

Aviation The government says an aviation crisis will affect the already fragile next generation of the aviation industry. Damage to a dozen species of freshwater fish could "kill whales," and studies suggest whales may eat Eskimo whales. One study found that nearly half of penguins who ate seafood lost weight within a year. Many say fish are weaker than salmon, and that cognitive abilities decline with age. Find out