dertermenter and chiroyce have traded Connecticut and Rhode Island with supercash for New Jersey and Delaware. This makes Cash the first player to have control of a region. Also, regions were underweighted so now if you have a region you get 8 counties extra, not just 4. In other news, @8bitosc starts capturing Ohio from the north and south and supercash starts capturing South Carolina.
Almost the entire east coast has been captured. Only 4 counties are unclaimed. If you count the Gulf of Mexico, there are 6 left.
silly captures Louisiana, and k10398 is filling in Idaho.
Keep pushing in Pennsylvania
start advancing on il; focus around 4/6ths of my cpd on that, the other 66 counties on ohio as per usual
Continue with SD
finish SC then start on NC, perimeter first, please
Continue with Idaho
Also @silly you have 22 counties extra. idk where you want to use them