henry @henry

The idea with my account here is to share some reasonable life advise and wisdom, based of experience and my journey trying to have better mental, physical and emotional health. My girlfriend broke up with me about four months ago - and her being my first love it was one of the hardest experiences so far in my life. But here are some key things I did to make me a better person, I hope these helps anyone going through something similar.

  • Work on yourself - The truth about being in a committed relationship is your energy, love, happiness and achievements are shared between you and your partner. Coming out of a relationship opens up the long time opportunity to find happiness in yourself and not gauge your happiness off someone else, ultimately meaning you are more in control. This happiness can come about through many different ways through doing hobbies you enjoy, learning a new skill, being sociable in a setting with intelligent conversation. I found meditation & exercise super useful.

  • No contact, don’t ‘stay just friends’ - If you’ve been broken up with your going to still have some feelings for them. Spending time with them will just ‘keep the wound open’, diversify your friend group, away from them.

  • Don’t find someone new - Join the gym, go three times a week, run a 5k twice or three times a week, read and meditate everyday. Find happiness in yourself before you find someone new. By improving the quality of yourself you will find someone even better in future ❤️

Jan 28, 2024, 10:18 PM
