why does muffet have the ghost leitmotif in her song?? ive only just noticed it
You mean napstablook’s leitmotif?
Also, I don’t hear it… Is it at a specific part of Spider Dance?
Or are we thinking different games here
its in mad dummy, mettatons and mad mew mews songs as well so i assume its just a general ghost leitmotif
No way I haven’t noticed that for years… No way…
Either way considering she (Muffet) mentions what people mandela affect to be Gaster (just like the mandela affect on mysteryman’s sprite) I’m guessing that could be it
Unless I remember pacifist dialouge wrong
i 3ought it was a miniboss 3ing
it could also be 3at it's because ghosts and spiders are bo3 commonly associated wi3 halloween
Maybe her song wasn't intended for her originally?