i understand 3e format for wiktionary article urls
i no longer have to search the word and then wiktionary into google
I just type the word into the Wiktionary search bar
fair, al3ough 3is way, you only have to press enter once, for what it’s wor3 (almost certainly very little)
My method also only requires me to press enter once. (I have Wiktionary bookmarked)
my me3od does not require use of 3e mouse (ctrl+t to open 3e tab, 3e keyboard output flashy vertical line 3ingy is already in 3e address bar)
embrace duckduckgo bangs
word !wt
doesn’t firefox have some3ing similar where you can choose which search engine to search on from 3e address bar?
so do chrome and edge, but with ddg bangs you don’t have to set them up individually