prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

TikTok is being banned in the US.

Start celebrating, this might take a bit of a hit on their platform - I get some people just wanna use it, but you cannot deny it’s also a partial cause of a lot of brainrot.

The issue is that apparently TikTok is granting people in the US a huge “Please vote to not ban us” thing. I mean, they even pull bullshit:

"Destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country"

Lmao no it won’t, you pay like $20-50 (or $0.04 - Unable to find a source but those are the most common ratios I’ve seen) per 1 million views; Practically lower than my will to live, atleast higher than minimum wage I guess? Meh, I digress. So they are also lying in their own vote to not be banned! How trustworthy!

Plus they (the creators) can just switch platforms and announce that they are moving, sure, they may lose a lot of their fanbase, but atleast they’re moving away from that garbage.

Mar 7, 2024, 9:28 PM
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Despite this being sarcasm, I will have to say that I object - Shortform content only exploded when TikTok made use of it, Shorts only came so YouTube wouldn’t fall behind.

Also technically if you don’t touch the forsaken comments section dungeon which requires you to have 9e+ cringe defense you will be immune to most of its brainrot