kaleb @kaleb

The current state of wom is getting pretty upsetting. People are starting arguments and saying incredibly disrespectful things to others (I’m not going to name who did what). I just have a couple things to say:

  1. Have a sense of maturity. Don't start throwing verbal stones at those with opposing views, and know when/if it is okay to make jokes.

  2. Be respectful. If you know that a joke or post is going to be rude and hurtful towards anyone, then don't post it. Just simply don't. Things will be better in the long run.

Please take these things to heart. I cannot stress this enough. The wom community will be much better if you guys just take these things to heart.

- Kaleb B

(That's all y'all are getting out of me)

Mar 27, 2024, 10:46 PM
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I don’t know why, but I actually haven’t seen many arguments here on Wasteof.

I've seen plenty on my feed. I don't follow people who start “kerfluffles” but people repost them