henry @henry

Hey, I recently used AI to process the most popular posts on this site for a week and use it to create a ‘criteria’ to maximise likes and interactions. This was purely just for fun. The list below shows the types of posts most likely to attract attention, let me know if you think this is accurate.

  1. Personal Updates and Confessions: Sharing personal experiences or struggles tends to attract attention. For instance, Oren's candid confession about orchestrating certain events garnered significant engagement.

  2. Community Engagement and Discussion: Posts that spark community discussions or reflect on platform-related topics are popular. Discussions about the state of the community or reflections on controversial issues draw attention and responses.

  3. Humor and Light-hearted Content: Posts with humor or light-hearted updates, like sharing hobbies such as video games or references to pop culture like D&D, provide a refreshing break from serious discussions.

  4. Thoughtful Reflections and Advice: Posts offering insightful reflections, advice, or opinions on relevant topics gain popularity. For example, Oren's post about maturity and avoiding controversy through setting limits received engagement for its thoughtful perspective on community dynamics.

  5. Cultural References and Memes: Posts referencing cultural phenomena or memes can attract attention from users who relate to or appreciate the reference.

Mar 27, 2024, 11:35 PM
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very interesting