owenathletic @owenathletic

sorry for not doing a funny silly lil post yesterday - idk i just couldnt think of anything - i promise i will try to do one every day in the future tho - that was dumb of me sorry

Apr 24, 2024, 6:46 PM


You don’t have to be chronically online. Everyone on wo.m likes you as far as I know and if you need to take a break that’s ok. You’re not dumb for doing that :) <3


this might be kinda dumb but it actually means a lot - thank you!

it is okay, we all make mistakes sometimes. thank you for your generous contributions to this website. please do not feel pressured to make posts every single day, that is quite ridiculous to ask someone to do. once again, thank you for the contributions you have made to wasteof.

thanks :D

its nice that everyones so kind to me honestly - like people couldve been meaner but instead everyone was rly supportive :D