kiwi @kiwi

this is the greatest “add everything” studio i’ve ever seen

May 3, 2024, 12:55 AM


How did you make Scratch blue again?

this screenshot was actually taken before the color changes, but nowadays you can do this

download scratch addons from → turn on “website dark mode and customizable colors” and “editor dark mode and customizable colors” → turn on the preset “scratch’s default colors (blue)”

Oh. Thank you!

you’re welcome :) just a heads up in case you haven’t used scratch addons or any scratch browser extensions before, you’re not allowed to advertise or name browser extensions or userscripts on scratch. that goes against a policy they added a while back which disallows that.

Do you know why that’s allowed?

i presume you meant to say “disallowed”. you can find out more on the official announcement topic:

Oh, yes, I meant “not allowed”.

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