up @up

List of usernames with special characters:

  1. ._.

  2. banned-user.1

  3. banned-user.2

  4. banned-user.3

  5. banned-user.4

  6. banned-user.5

  7. banned-user.6

  8. banned-user.7

  9. banned-user.8

  10. banned-user.9

  11. banned-user.10

  12. banned-user.11

  13. banned-user.12

  14. crystalkeeper7.old

  15. david (admin)

  16. deleted.account.meower

  17. impossible usernames

  18. griffpatch.old

  19. joshatticus.old

  20. scolder.renamed

  21. tris.banned

  22. wasteof.money

  23. willy.

May 12, 2024, 6:26 PM
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