henry @henry

A truly momentous day in UK Politics today. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak has called a general election. Let me try not to be rash, but this is clearly the most celebrated occasion in the past thirteen years of Tory failure. The epitome of his premiership was clearly defined by the pathetic fallacy of the rainy downpour as he announced parliaments upcoming recess, next week and a general election on July 4th 2024.

Lets be honest, claims that the Sunak government have been a success are none existent, his payroll vote ministers and donors lobbying the government through enormous donations are the only benefactors of this ‘failure of a premiership’ from the end of 2022. For starters, his government lacks a fundamental for governance- a mandate. Three prime ministers and no general election, 4 cabinets and a hate filled agenda consumed by nothing but sleaze, social exclusion and blame for a slow, impractical recovery from Brexit, COVID-19, soaring energy costs and a predecessor unqualified, delusional about being brought down by the ‘deep-state’.

My argument is not just sign post, one line insults like the governments flagship Rawanda ‘Illegal Migration Act’ which saw royal assent a few weeks back and legislated away Human Rights concerns, no other country has done apart from Russia. I would like to call for fundamental change. Vote for Labour to encourage a winners bonus that will see the fall of our two party system and a more centrist opposition party.

May 22, 2024, 10:27 PM
