You forgot pointless shallow "deep" lore that no one actually wants or cares about but you fantasize that matpat will talk about it. I cannot believe anyone actually likes FNaF, it's a really stupid franchise. Moreover, there is nothing scary about it except for jump scares, which is hardly scary and a far leap from psychological horror. Womp womp.
1.) find a game for either the nintendo 64, the ps1, or ms-dos
2.) find something ever so slightly unsettling about that game
3.) rebrand the game to look like a parody
4.) gradually overexaggerate the slightly unsettling detail you found in step 2
5.) add a random jumpscare at the end with no explanation
6.) export game and release it on or steam or something with the promise that it’s a “completely harmless game! :DDDD”
7.) repeat steps 1-5 forever until you generate free money