jamied132 @jamied132

Woah :o I just met an elaruuian from scratch that I haven’t seen since January! (@\steichfam / @\smilebird5)

Jun 22, 2024, 10:14 AM
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Fair enough, I’m only ban evading because stupid old me did some unforgivable stuff and got banned permanently

I still think that they would unban you if you waited like 2 months or so without being on scratch like they tell you to do in the ban notice

I’ve sent an appeal email, waited 5 months, and all that stuff, but especially considering everything I did to get banned it’s unlikely I’m ever getting unbanned. Probably better that way, although I’m disappointed I can’t delete my old account

If you waited 5 months and they didn’t respond, you should probably send another one :P you could also probably email them to delete it if you want. Also I think they’re more likely to respond to emails sent from the contact us page rather than the appeal notification

Here’s why I think they’re never unbanning me:

  1. Trolling the Griffpatchers

  2. Trading accounts

  3. Making namesnipes

  4. Creating Teacher Accounts

  5. Obtaining a hacked account (from a friend, but still)