jamied132 @jamied132

reply if you came to wasteof without knowing anyone from other places

Jun 24, 2024, 6:28 AM


went to jeffalo.net, visited jeffalo’s github out of curiosity, found wom1 repo, clicked the link, and here i am

I’m not entirely sure how I found this? But I think I joined without hearing about it from anyone else. I did abandon it for a while though and only returned when someone else who used it reminded me of its existence.

Same lol (about the abandoning and reminding part)

I just found it from jeffalo’s discord bio. From the griffpatch server

i dont know how people found this place in the first place lol

It’s linked on jeffalo.net, I found that website because forumers use ocular.jeffalo.net

(“The Great Domain Name Dilemma”)