owenathletic @owenathletic

Womp Womps: The Best Thing Since Breadcrumbs

Womp womps. The pinnacle of human achievement, the apex of modern culture. It stands alone in its excellence, unparalleled in its majesty. The womp womp is a symbol of pure genius, a testament to the ingenuity and sheer brilliance of the human mind.

Womp womp.

Jun 29, 2024, 5:07 PM
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Brainrot or not, i just enjoy it and i really dont think its that bad. Its funny in the way so many other pieces of media are funny. I mean, think about stuff like gumball, the amazing world of gumball is stupid af, but it is funny in a way. So skibidi toilet is the same, if we can see gumball as funny, why cant we see skibidi toilet funny?

Skibidi toilet has caused mental disorders in children-

Thats absolutely absurd lmao. Please do some research and tell me how a funny series of YouTube shorts created mental disorders in children lmao.

Some people got addicted and it caused a mental disorder in some of them

Dude thats a complete lie.

Addiction is not a mental disorder. Addiction can cause a mental disorder due to the strain of whatever addiction you have, be it drugs, porn, video games, but addiction itself is not a mental disorder.

Skibidi toilet did not give people mental disorders.

The DSM 5.

Its the handbook that psychologists use to diagnose people. Look through it. Do you see "addiction" as a diagnosis? No, its not a mental disorder, however it can cause symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are, themselves, disorders.

Not to mention you have not provided me with any sources for your claim regarding skibidi toilets "effect on children" and as such are losing this entire argument.

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because personally i found gumball riveting, full of flawed characters and classic american humor