owenathletic @owenathletic

Womp Womps: The Best Thing Since Breadcrumbs

Womp womps. The pinnacle of human achievement, the apex of modern culture. It stands alone in its excellence, unparalleled in its majesty. The womp womp is a symbol of pure genius, a testament to the ingenuity and sheer brilliance of the human mind.

Womp womp.

Jun 29, 2024, 5:07 PM
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Bro its wikipedia. Its a website anyone can access and edit as they please. Anyone with an account can edit wikipedia, thats why no teacher will actually accept wikipedia as a source.

Also no such thing as skibidi toilet syndrome exists, literally the title itself makes no sense.

Give me some actual credible sources, from professional psychologists or therapists. Otherwise you really are just talking bullshit.

  1. Wikipedia is actually more reliable than a lot of sources because well it has sources. That might be self contradictory in theory, but it practice it works.

  2. There's no official name for it as it's not widely well known of.

  3. Firstly, stop being so rude, and secondly, I just said why Wikipedia is a valuable source.

No, wikipedia is not actually very reliable. Wikipedia can just be randomly edited with no fact check. If you are using wikipedia for school or something you are going to be told to use the sources at the bottom, because THEY are reliable, wiki itself is not.

Also your entire argument is based on saying skibidi toilet "cAuSeD MeNtAl DiSoRdErS iN ChIlDrEn" when literally no psychologist, therapist, or any other relevant figure has said that its caused disorders.

Wikipedia, unreliable? I literally sometimes edit that thing bruh I know if it’s reliable

No psychologist, therapist or other has said it because it’s not officially recognised/it’s not a mental disorder, it just causes them.

Ok, i will go with your logic here and say it causes the disorders. Fine.

What disorders are you actually talking about here? What specific disorders are caused by watching skibidi toilet, or any other short form content that you like to talk about.

So far all you have said is that it "Causes mEnTaL DiSoRdErS" without actually saying what you THINK these disorders are. You do realize there are many different kinds of disorders, right?

The disorders it causes are: addiction, anxiety from the harmful aspects of the show, IQ loss

Bro, addiction is not a mental disorder. Also, anxiety, although a disorder, would be a temporary effect due to watching the videos.

IQ loss doesnt even make sense, watching the videos does not reduce ones IQ, what sort of mental gymnastics are you doing to say watching these videos reduces IQ?

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