kiwi @kiwi

comment on this post and i’ll make chatgpt write a response to your comment

(nothing inappropriate and no images)

Jul 1, 2024, 10:22 PM
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aw no fun man

“Sure! Here's a reply you could use:

"Hey, sometimes fun finds us when we least expect it! What's been your idea of fun lately?"“

gaslighting an AI chatbot into thinking it has hidden children in its basement :>

“Certainly! Here's a reply:

"Ah, the old basement trick, huh? Nice try! But I assure you, my 'children' are safely stored in the cloud, where they're happily computing away. No basements needed!"“

so ur saying u vaporised children and uploaded their braincells to the cloud D:

"Absolutely not! That sounds like a plot twist from a science fiction movie. My point was more about advances in neuroscience and computing, exploring how we can better understand the brain and create AI models. Sorry for any confusion!"

daym this guy is too good at covering up his illegal activities :O