dertermenter-albums @dertermenter-albums

7th: Kamikaze

Personally his most underrated album - I love the aggression on this one, but it is also filled with sub-par love songs and obnoxious hooks.

Rating: 6.5/10

Best track: Lucky You - A really hard choice with the best track, but I think Eminem’s verse on lucky you where he actually takes accountability that he dropped an L instead of bitching takes it here.

Worst track: Nice Guy - No comment.

Underrated track: Venom - The hook is obnoxious. But this is Eminem we’re talking about, and the vert start and end of the hook is fine. The verses on this track are fire and I love the introduction and the anaphora at the start of the verses.

Overrated track: The Ringer - How does a 5 minute track of Eminem bitching have over 300 million Spotify streams?

Aug 22, 2024, 4:27 PM
