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4th: Recovery

The hunger from Eminem, actual good hooks and so many hits on this album, I’m confused why this once very positively reviewed album is now seen as average for many.

Rating: 7.5/10

Best track: No love - Fire verses by Wayne and Em, they contrast together so well. It’s such a great track.

Worst track: W.T.P - Its more silly nature in a serious album along with quite an annoying hook makes this track the worst for me on this album.

Underrated track: 25 To Life - Eminem does well on the verses but the hook takes this song to another level - I think it’s beautiful to listen to, so well done Liz Rodrigues.

Overrated track: Not Afraid - The reason that Not Afraid falls short is that the chorus is Eminem blends in too much with the verses - whilst with a pop-cut as the chorus like on LTWYL it would break up the song better.

Aug 22, 2024, 4:48 PM
