kiwi @kiwi

mini rant time:

does anyone else dislike it when content creators try to film footage inside of a store or something, then they make a big fuss when the owner of the store tells them they can’t film inside?

like, why would you argue? if it’s private property, the store has the right to tell you to not film. plus, carrying a camera around generally looks weird if the store doesn’t know what you’re up to, and even if they do know what you’re doing, it’s still reasonable for them to say no.

it’s even more annoying when the store tells the content creators to delete their footage, only for the content creators to recover the footage later or to never delete it in the first place. unless you’re trying to expose the business for something bad they’re doing, that just feels kind of wrong.

okay, mini rant over. here’s a picture of a meerkat:

Sep 10, 2024, 3:18 AM
