burrito @burrito

Letters of the alphabet ranked in how close they are to the top of the keyboard (tiebreaker is how close they are to the left of the keyboard):

  1. q

  2. w

  3. e

  4. r

  5. t

  6. y

  7. u

  8. i

  9. o

  10. p

  11. a

  12. s

  13. d

  14. f

  15. g

  16. h

  17. j

  18. k

  19. l

  20. z

  21. x

  22. c

  23. v

  24. b

  25. n

  26. m

Oct 3, 2024, 6:23 PM
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I find it funny how really popular users can say anything and get a ton of attention

(Not talking about this masterpiece; I’m just saying unrelated facts)