forg3t_m3_n0tz @forg3t_m3_n0tz

career anxiety is back

(i am thirteen years two months old)

Dec 17, 2024, 8:37 AM
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i would be constantly reliving the worst moments of my life if i did something medical, i don’t like science as much as i say i do so i would suck at anything sciency (plus i don’t think it would be very interesting), i would have to be a cop for a while for anything criminal investigation, which i otherwise think i would enjoy the most and would be the best use of my skills and interests, i wouldn’t feel like i was helping anyone if i was something history related,

and unfortunately all of my motivation for school comes from having an end goal. 😭

Do you like geography

neutral bout it, why?

I like geography so I was just wondering