
Still a secret.

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I am a wasteof.money user!


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auriali @auriali

While a good point, this exists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yQFebRcznA

burrito @burrito

least based perrin opinion

weird al best artists

perrin @perrin

might be a spicy take but

minecraft parodies <<<<<<<<<< Weird Al Yankovic parodies

jeffalo @jeffalo

clean version <<<<<<< minecraft parodies

Feb 8, 2023, 5:53 PM
Feb 14, 2023, 5:53 PM
Feb 15, 2023, 2:43 PM
Feb 15, 2023, 8:34 PM
auriali @auriali

virgin closed-source software vs chad open-source software

Feb 13, 2023, 12:08 PM
auriali @auriali

agree completely

there's a fine line between debate and discussion with people who hold opposing viewpoints and plain hatred and intolerance.

echo chambers are bad but so are feedback loops of constant misery.

positivity should outweigh negativity :)

allyz @allyz

hi another reminder that unfollowing people on social media is okay <3

friendly debate is awesome! and so is reading about things that you don’t believe in! but when following that person is supporting them and giving them a platform to make hate speech or they just always seem to be spewing some kind of negativity, then maybe that’s an unhealthy place to spend your time. :)

Feb 9, 2023, 6:27 PM
Feb 10, 2023, 12:54 AM
auriali @auriali

speaking in tongues is basically the auditory equivalent to lorem ipsum

Feb 6, 2023, 9:44 PM
auriali @auriali

as mentioned in this episode. i finally got a copy of my old design program before i moved to affinity designer. basically i can access old design files from 2018 backwards. here’s an early concept of my current da-ta logo circa 2018.

thenewcreators @thenewcreators

TNC Episode 9 - Metaverse Mayhem

Sean hosts guests Perrin and Porcan to discuss VR, the metaverse, upcoming tech releases, AI-generated speech, and much more!

Listen on most major podcasting platforms: https://anchor.fm/the-new-creators

Find TNC elsewhere: https://bio.link/tnc

@perrin invented a new genre of music as well; Neo-psychedelia Tescore! (I have no clue what it sounds like and I’m convinced he doesn’t know either).

Feb 4, 2023, 8:09 PM
Feb 4, 2023, 10:52 PM
auriali @auriali

love how this account went from posting bad memes to the musings of random things my goofy brain comes up with for no reason whatsoever that sound like I'm a billion year old man whose been reincarnated like 90 times

Jan 29, 2023, 11:27 PM
auriali @auriali

loving yourself isn't about thinking you don't have faults or problems. it's knowing you have worth irrespective of your faults and that there are friends, family and partners that care and love you for being you. you may not realise it but your actions and character might have a bigger positive impact on the people around you than you think.

Jan 13, 2023, 10:49 PM
auriali @auriali

chart of my favourite albums of all time because yes

micahlt @micahlt

And you need to understand how insanely wacky my music taste is

oren @oren

You guys need to understand how I listen to music. It's not a casual activity for me

Jan 5, 2023, 6:35 PM
Jan 5, 2023, 9:59 PM
Jan 6, 2023, 9:23 PM
auriali @auriali

me and my friend used to hate scottish country dancing in school but me and her scottish country danced at a party together in early december and we had a blast. god i feel old now.

Jan 1, 2023, 1:39 AM
auriali @auriali

main account has beta access now, very cool. now i can shamelessly self promote to my hearts content

Dec 20, 2022, 8:07 PM
auriali @auriali

he was playing rocket league

burrito @burrito


qoqus zur

Dec 16, 2022, 6:45 PM
Dec 19, 2022, 9:16 AM
auriali @auriali

my spotify wrapped (also runaway isn’t the kanye one its the beach house one)

Dec 2, 2022, 8:38 PM
auriali @auriali

something I've realised now that i'm a little older is that i would assume people thought badly of me when in reality they didn't (in most cases they actually liked my company). i think it's something a lot of people struggle with going off of some of the conversations i’ve had with folks online who will say stuff like “people don't like me” or something to the effect of people dislike me for xyz reason. what i've now discovered is most people aren't hyper-analysing each and ever action you take. as long as you're polite and generally aren't being rude to others then folks are likely to think good of you. i feel it's a symptom of a lot of social media being geared towards controversy and negative things which makes us very harsh to ourselves, basically amplifying the whole “you are your own worst critic” into the stratosphere. i'm not saying you shouldn't strive to improve but you shouldn't be beating yourself up from the inside over every little thing when a lot of it doesn't matter nor does it matter to the people around you. tl;dr don't be so cynical about yourself and instead be more constructive and push towards improving yourself for whatever feels natural and right for you.

Nov 28, 2022, 12:17 AM
auriali @auriali

installed firefox on a chromebook today

Nov 26, 2022, 1:02 AM