I wrote my first line of code!
text = “Hello World”
PS: i am now hacker man
Update on the phone issue with beta many people have probably already mentioned this but @jeffalo fixed the issue with the beta button being more out of the way:)
I’ve been using wasteof on my phone a lot recently and I realized that the beta button is a pain in the ass on the phone
I am one step closer to being an American I auto my first gun today a deagle, Barrett and a revolver
I haven’t been here for so long, kind was busy with some other things but i’m back, hope I haven’t missed to much. And there is a new admin so thats cool @rirurin
I just wanted to say that wasteof reached 15k unique visitors yesterday since the beginning of the website, congrats @jeffalo
Can we get this post to the top of the explore page?
Edit: Not on the explore page :(
Due to people wanting to me to click the button I did, it ended up sending me to a certain YouTube link. So in short @jeffalo rick rolled me.
There is a button in the admin panel that says leave no trace, who wants me to click it?
I just realised that @jeffalo added the beta tester badge to the normal wasteof.money so now everyone can see who the beta testers are
There is a button in the admin panel that says leave no trace, who wants me to click it?