
the oficial Acount Of wasteofs Deparment of Eduction | ran by @elsie

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I am a wasteof.money user!


Joined 4 months ago
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doed @doed

We no, we no. Guvermint agensies and socil media don't allways mix. But we're hear too chnage that! Were the fokes we work hard too improove the edukashun and nolege of wasteof users. From classrooms and playgrounds, and textboks and lunch roms, we're all in. Want too know how your tax dolars are bieng used in schools? Have a burning cuestion about educatin? We're hear too lissen and anser! Let's get reel about edcuation and humman servises. Folow us for the latist updates on are revolushunary lerning iniciatives!

Aug 7, 2024, 9:16 PM