Hey guys! I’m Kaleb Bravo, a 15-year-old violinist and music producer.
Here I’ll be talking about some random stuff, so if you only want to see updates on my electronic music releases, follow me at @k10398.
Some more about me:
Colorado (yessirrrrrrr)
Favorite genres of music are 2000s alt rock and electronic. I enjoy other genres, too.
Modern pop is garbage (especially the super preppy “bubblegum” pop ).
Amateur programmer- I know a good amount of JavaScript (from my AP comp sci class) but I am learning HTML, CSS, and C++.
Self-taught in stuff like graphic design, photography, violin (for the most part), music theory and composition, among others.
I’m in three musical groups at my high school: a concert orchestra, chamber orchestra, and quartet.
I plan to pursue a double-major in mechanical engineering and musical performance at CU Boulder.
Music Links:
Me designing app icons for TetraOS:
My non-designer friends:
Yoooo is that game design?
we do a little trolling
there are more nested reposts, click to see them
Why do I still come to this cringe website
oh right I want to participate in the next Brand Battle
My house is full of traps
I started a group chat recently.
Not falling for that again (read last few messages)