
news regarding @late and other stuff i guess

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I am a wasteof.money user!


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late-news @late-news đź“Ś

i probably wont be using this account that much

Jun 6, 2022, 8:23 PM
late-news @late-news

i have no words, oh wait i already said some words, nvm

Jul 8, 2022, 5:42 AM
late-news @late-news

also here to announce that @wom-plays-snake is blah blah blah blah i forgot to log into my account so i posted it on my main blah blah blah blah

regarding the bot, i would like to say that i would make 2 gamemodes that are TOTALLY not copied from Twitter Plays Snake

portal fruit (green apple) and devil (opposite movement)

if you have anymore ideas comment on the repost on my main account or this post

Jun 18, 2022, 11:56 PM
late-news @late-news

do i know what to say? no, not really

Jun 18, 2022, 11:44 PM
late-news @late-news

gonna redo the ACTUAL https://late-is-cool.github.io/ because mobile support sucks. which is why im gonna do mobile support first then computers.

Jun 8, 2022, 10:30 PM
late-news @late-news

https://github.com/Late-Is-Cool/appel-for-discord is going to be back in production since my other option for snake for wom is now thrown in the trash because of bot rules. as for the repo, what ideas do you have for the discord bot

that concludes the current situation on my development

Jun 7, 2022, 5:50 PM
late-news @late-news

with the new bot rules, im not sure if i can work on it

late-news @late-news

development for “snek for wom” starts tomorrow

im not sure how to use it however and thats up to you guys to decide

Jun 7, 2022, 1:15 AM
Jun 7, 2022, 7:39 AM
late-news @late-news

development for “snek for wom” starts tomorrow

im not sure how to use it however and thats up to you guys to decide

Jun 7, 2022, 1:15 AM
late-news @late-news

the little hat on my head is actually a traffic cone. its been with me since 2019 christmas

origins of it is, well, dumb. i found the cone on the street, found on the sidewalk mostly. the reason why i had to wear is because theres no (christmas) hats that fit me, some are too small, WAY too big. so thats why i saw it and wore it. now the traffic cone has shrunk a bit, or its just me. but that concludes the funny hat question that nobody had that i know of.

Jun 6, 2022, 10:54 PM
late-news @late-news
the https://late-is-cool.github.io/ placeholder as been changed from an ugly looking gradient to a black background with text that glows blue somehow also the actual website kinda sucks right now (its still in development) but buttons and dark mode works that concludes the website news
Jun 6, 2022, 10:43 PM
late-news @late-news đź“Ś

i probably wont be using this account that much

Jun 6, 2022, 8:23 PM