
i do graphic design or something


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mrowlsss @mrowlsss 📌

pinned post time :D

Hi there, I’m Mr_Owlsss or O-the-Owl, whichever one is fine

I’m a bisexual non-binary

uh i dont know what else to add

I make websites and graphic design tho

you should follow @theawesome98 (now @lilly)

Feb 16, 2023, 9:20 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

okay i lied i do kinda like him and we might actually date

my first date might actually be with a guy

if i didnt discover my sexuality before, i sure as hell have now

mrowlsss @mrowlsss

soooo a guy im friends with has a crush on me but i dont really like him romantically and i dont know what to doooo

Apr 27, 2023, 8:14 PM
Apr 27, 2023, 9:33 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

huh, both chat.google.com and scratch.mit.edu is device blocked

i cant show you because i cant sign in to imgbb anymore because of district settings lmao

oren @oren

google chat is so weird. i’m trying to start a group chat on it and it’s definitely not meant for regular use

Apr 27, 2023, 7:53 PM
Apr 27, 2023, 8:21 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

soooo a guy im friends with has a crush on me but i dont really like him romantically and i dont know what to doooo

Apr 27, 2023, 8:14 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

i live in florida

i feel like ive already said this

and my city i think

Apr 27, 2023, 7:16 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

lol lightning storm and i think its hailing outside

Apr 27, 2023, 5:54 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

what the hell?

on the first day you did this, i wanted to ask chat gpt to do this too, and i got an extremely similar responce

burrito @burrito

AI Writes My Daily Posts: Day 5/7

Day 5: Clyde

Prompt: "Write me a funny wasteof.money post"

Response: "Spent all my money on a gym membership, walked in and realized I don't own any workout clothes. Now I have a lot of guilt and a very expensive outfit-less gym membership. 😂"

Apr 21, 2023, 12:24 AM
Apr 21, 2023, 4:42 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss
theglasspenguin @theglasspenguin


silly @silly


dertermenter @dertermenter

food hot take #4: pickles don’t belong in burgers as they are rank, I don’t care if they add “acid” to the burger.

Apr 18, 2023, 5:18 PM
Apr 18, 2023, 5:46 PM
Apr 18, 2023, 5:58 PM
Apr 18, 2023, 6:30 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

peaches peaches peaches peaches peeaacchesss

my mind instantly went to

whopper whopper whopper whopper

yuri @yuri

i have not seen the mario movie but i love bowsers song abt peach

peaches peaches peaches peaches peeaacchesss

Apr 17, 2023, 12:34 PM
Apr 17, 2023, 4:28 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

i hate when that happens

Stay true, #BudgetBusters!

burrito @burrito

For the next week, I'll be having an AI write my daily posts. I'm going to give a different chatbot a different prompt every day (e.g. “write a relatable post”, “write a funny post”, etc.) and see how it goes!

Day 1: ChatGPT

Prompt: “Write a relatable wasteof.money post”

Response: Hey there, #BudgetBusters! 💸 Have you ever bought a fancy avocado slicer only to end up with mashed avocados every time? 🥑🔪 Well, that's the kind of "smashed" purchase I made last week! 🤦‍♀️💰 I was lured by the promise of perfectly sliced avocados for my toast game, but ended up with a messy kitchen and a broken slicer! 🙅‍♀️🚫 Lesson learned: stick to a trusty knife and save your hard-earned cash for more avocados instead of gimmicky gadgets! 🙌🥑 #WasteOfMoney #AvocadoFail #KitchenFails #GuacGoneWrong 🚫💸🥑

Apr 16, 2023, 1:53 PM
Apr 16, 2023, 4:06 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

why doesn’t beta.character.ai work with any proxy 😭

Apr 16, 2023, 2:13 AM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

i have a story

couple of weeks ago there was a school dance after school

i got a hug from my crush and moral support from mutual friends too

just when i thought i had a chance, flash forward 2 weeks he gets a girlfriend :/

radi8 @radi8

today is the fourth time I've been at a school dance single!

Apr 14, 2023, 9:13 PM
Apr 15, 2023, 2:14 AM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

@lonelyking @pineapple get your asses online (lopobia) everythings been destroyed and our land claims are gone wtf

Apr 15, 2023, 1:53 AM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

was this in the wasteof chat

because if so i wanna flex my chat recorder too :(

pkmnq @pkmnq

It’s worth noting what happened 35 minutes after that:

[21:00]  PkmnQ: observation: there is no grass under the chain chomps
[21:00]  PkmnQ: (at least in super mario odyssey)
[21:01]  PkmnQ: let's see other instances of chain chomp
[21:01]  ultsppi: https://www.mariowiki.com/Incoming_Chomp
[21:01]  PkmnQ: to see if it fits the grass theory
[21:01]  ultsppi: these once can jump
[21:02]  ultsppi: these can fit the grass theory if they travel to grass
[21:02]  PkmnQ: but there is the chain chomp in bob-omb battlefield
[21:04]  PkmnQ: i doubt that they would unchain chain chomp often to let the grass regrow, considering how chain chomp jumps over the hill
[21:04]  PkmnQ: this would be massively inconvenient and i think they would rather let it absorb the grass
[21:04]  ultsppi: do we have a conclusion
[21:05]  PkmnQ: the only theory left is the eye theory from earlier, that they do still photosynthesize but through the eyes
[21:06]  ultsppi: or the mouth
[21:06]  PkmnQ: https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/b/b7/Mk64rainbowroad4.png i don't know the rainbow road lore
[21:06]  PkmnQ: does this rulle out photosynthesis entirely
[21:06]  PkmnQ: i don't knkow where rainbow road is located
[21:06]  PkmnQ: if it is sometimes daytime then it is still believable, however if it's all the way in space then we have a problem
[21:07]  PkmnQ: i think this rules it out entirely https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/0/0b/Chompy.png
gilbert189 @gilbert189

The State of wasteof

<ultsppi> current state of waste money: start flame wars with this one simple trick!
<JackyBC> wait what??!!
<JackyBC> waste of money went that downhill?
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: :|
<Gilbert189_> I think I started it somewhat
<ultsppi> no
<Gilbert189_> *with me
<Gilbert189_> wait no I can't English
<Gilbert189_> oops
<PkmnQ> no, you could have not made that post and the flame wars would probably still be this bad
* DissonanceBridge has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<ultsppi> "oern" is a user who said a thing once.
<Gilbert189_> now I need to figure out how to modify sprites
<PkmnQ> are you talking about when i convinced oren to change his username to oern or are you talking about the new oern?
<ultsppi> now "lyil" often makes fun of them every time somebody says something related to "lgbtq", starting an instant flame war
<Gilbert189_> oh yeah that
<Gilbert189_> I think that's the source
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: why can't people just report report report & move on?
<PkmnQ> oh i see
<Gilbert189_> nobody cared ;|
<Gilbert189_> :|
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: :(
<ultsppi> nobody reports posts
* DissonanceBridge (~[email protected]) has joined
<ultsppi> consider the amount of terrible posts in "gwdfi scratch studio", which is much more active and worse
<Gilbert189_> ?
<ultsppi> plenty of inappropirate comments are made there. they are automatically removed when more than 3 person report right?
<ultsppi> BUT THEY STAY AROUND!!!! despite EXTREME activity!!
<ultsppi> in short, nobody presses the report button on any websites
<ultsppi> that is my arguent
<PkmnQ> it's gotten to the point where "someone" can spam a bunch of random comments on a random post to the extent that it becomes the most commented on post
<JackyBC> can i get links to the posts i want to report them
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: truth be told, I don't report anything either
<JackyBC> also why wasteof money is now toxic
<JackyBC> h
<PkmnQ> and it's forgotten about after one day after the cool new controversy
<ultsppi> it alwaus was
<JackyBC> i am VERY glad that i am not a part of the flame war
<ultsppi> remember when you said that one thing about the rainbow banner?
<ultsppi> that was an average-size 'war' at the time
<ultsppi> i think
<JackyBC> i then changed my opinion because it looked like the RGB mouses which is cool i think
<PkmnQ> i remember when the biggest controversy was a repost chain about potatoes
<ultsppi> here is my opinion on the matter: https://beta.wasteof.money/posts/6437f35eca26161bf10c2f50
Apr 13, 2023, 12:35 PM
Apr 13, 2023, 11:32 PM
Apr 14, 2023, 7:17 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss


lily @lily

wasteof.money sucks i'm leaving! [picture of wario]

Apr 13, 2023, 3:00 PM
Apr 14, 2023, 6:55 PM
mrowlsss @mrowlsss

i have been peaceful this whole time but aight

Apr 13, 2023, 6:51 PM