Beautiful.*Slow clapping*
Mine (Judah/יְהוּדָה) means “praised“ if I’m correct.
Mine (Micah) means “who is like the Lord”
Mine (Joseph) means he will add
Mine (Kaz) means destroyer of peace :)
My internet has been wonky for the past few weeks because our wifi router broke. It was sad, because I discovered the amazing Umbrel project the day that my internet down. It's finally working again, and we got a new router, so I'll be installing umbrel on a fresh iso of Ubuntu Server 22 today or tomorrow.
The whole process, of course, was absolutely horrible for trying to use my code-server.
@wombucks - Oh crap, is this gonna turn into the scratch request forums? Are we making shops and a bunch of currencies?
Seems like a waste of money to me.
Me, at 11:00, choosing a new portfolio-building project. 1. Knapsack - Simple, intuitive invetory management for people who lose stuff often. 2. Hashtoast - A space for you and anyone! 3. Eisenhower - A To-do for you. 4. Sine Notes - A notes app that's simply secure 5. Wormshelf - A library management system. Which one should I pursue first?
Hello all! Got some custom theming that the wasteof beta matched? Is the rainbow bar just too distracting for you? Here’s a simple Stylus stylesheet that removes that changing rainbow gradient. Have a nice day!
@-moz-document domain("") {
.rainbow {}
Edit: WAIT THAT DOESN’T WORK, give me a sec :P
Edit 2: Never mind, didn’t realize that the gradient started only once. Consider this post invalid :)
Android 12 just landed on my phone :)
I’m gonna make a random number generator based on the way my hair is when I wake up.
If markdown works, can I do this…
Oh wow, I can.
but can I do this…
| hello | world |
| ---------- | ------ |
| this might | work! |
[x] Checked
[ ] Unchecked
let language: string = "typescript"
if (language == "typecript") {
// Syntax Highlighting should be added
} else {
// Syntax Highlighting should still be added :)