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I love emoji kitchen purely for the reference capabilities. Can you guess them all?
So I heard from @Kiwi that there’s a Wasteof app currently in development. I don’t like using Wasteof in safari, so I add it to home screen. Then it’s like an app! However, anywhere but home on this site turns into a safari embed, so I’m pretty pleased there’s gonna be an app.
My favorite part of Shrek was when Shrek said “It’s Shrekkin’ time” and Shrekked all over the place.
Just rewatched Shrek, and I’m happily reminded of how good that movie is. Especially considering it was made in 2001!
For all your Scratch users out there, I’ve got urgent news. Scratch user ilhp10, creator of BlockLive, has added malware to it that turns your account into a follow bot. Multiple users have already been made to follow him. In addition, he has been logging all BL chat messages to a Discord server.
It’s so annoying when you’re just trying to sleep, and the shadow man melts from the darkness and materializes next to your bed.
Just rewatched Shrek, and I’m happily reminded of how good that movie is. Especially considering it was made in 2001!
Yes. Do this. Now
go follow @pixilized, i risked my scratch account potentially getting banned by inviting him to the website! :D