
the dumbest man alive on their way to the 4542th name change

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prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake 📌

just realized Yoshikage Kira’s name is literally wordplay for “Shadow Killer” or “Peaceful Killer” or however the frick you’d properly interpret it

(the kanji in “Kira” (ă‚­ăƒ©) is actually one letter off from “Killer” (ă‚­ăƒ©ăƒŒ), and “Yoshikage” (ć‰æ™Ż) stands for “Peaceful”, “Justice”, “Righteousness” or “Morality”, if you were to split it up, “Yoshi” (ăƒšă‚·) means “Good luck”, “good”, “virtuous”, “respectable”, while “Kage” means “Shadow” (ćœ±) or “Other side”. AKA “Kira” is the only entirely correct thing in his name, whilst the other half of his name is only partially correct, since he lacks righteousness or morale, virtuouality and respectability, atleast if you know his “other side”.)


Jun 21, 2024, 9:57 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

i honestly can’t like apollo justice for some reason

May 26, 2024, 5:55 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

i go away for 1-3 days

get back to extreme advertising of politics due to election holdings on the 9th (atleast in the EU)

and apparently in the west, ronald trumpet is beginning to somewhat repeat history (for my own sanity i am NOT going to elaborate)

this year isn’t gonna go well, is it?

May 24, 2024, 3:47 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

this post makes me realize that each letter that’s typed restarts gifs while making a post which is weird, oh well

i love how no matter how hard i try to remove the stray outline green screen pixels, they just all stay
 and i’m doing this just for a bump image lmao:

May 20, 2024, 7:16 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

3 lies and a truth

everything is going to be okay
everything is going to be okay
there’s something behind you
this is just a dumb omori reference

boy i wonder which one is the truth

May 19, 2024, 4:35 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake


take this random out of context screenshot (this happened like a month or two ago now)

May 19, 2024, 9:51 AM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

Firefox 126.0 adding extra aggregated telemetry

atleast that wasnt the only thing ig

May 16, 2024, 6:56 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

i might still work on this


prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

apologies for posting so much about a singular project lol but uh anyway

this is a bit jank and still out of style for the project so have it for no reason

just note that this has flashing lights so I won’t give a preview

had to compress the heck out of this and also cut every 4th frame as well anyway


Jan 14, 2024, 9:58 AM
May 12, 2024, 6:46 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

boy i wonder where i’ve seen this pose before!!

May 11, 2024, 11:37 AM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

i still dont have the answer for this 😭😭😭

(of course this is a joke because i almost never use emojis seriously unless its with family members but i genuinely dont have the answer still and i doubt i’ll ever be able to guess that mathamatically since i’d also need the temperature which is never granted)

prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

trying to find out how long itd take for a block of chocolate under a glass bottle filled to the brim (currently in “surface tension”, looking like the liquid is higher than the bottle, but not spilling out) with 7~ coins inside of it and a man’s shadow covering it. The man moves away, so how long would it take for the chocolate to melt.

Life makes me ponder the weirdest shit in life as a hobby and I hate it

Apr 1, 2024, 12:21 PM
May 1, 2024, 8:51 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

held 3 different bunnies, not simoultanouesly

they all immediently started to try and parkour onto the cage right next to me while being pet

though i guess thats fair since theyre just fed and left alone with eachother, so the fear there just builds up with them.

also happy may 1st (which is ending in like an hour and some minutes)

May 1, 2024, 8:49 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

apathy’s a tragedy

and boredom is a crime

Apr 27, 2024, 6:23 PM
prehistoric-pancake @prehistoric-pancake

dont you love it when you remember a meme from a completely unrelated situation during a class

class in question being history

and the meme being

Apr 23, 2024, 1:47 PM