i’m a person that does things like drawing comics, writing code, and also tons of other things that i’d hit the character limit if i tried to explain.
so yesterday my sister legit did something not-very-good and we were stuck at the hospital for 3 hours straight, didn't get home until 11:00
i am so tired right now
tiktok is the pit of human stupidity
Okay so I have just recently learned how stupid people are (This is all TikTok related). Apparently there was a “Light yourself on fire challenge” try to guess what people did? They lit themselves on fire… with gasoline. Also there was a blackout challenge where people held their breath to blackout. Guess what? People died. They didn’t know oxygen was a necessary thing to live
they actually want your data to be stolen
they have gone too far
can we all agree that extracting tarballs is one of the worst parts of using linux
i’m having fun with userstyles
however i was making one for the school’s assignment management software
and i accidentally hid the menu instead of making it smaller
ok fine i’m using an ide now, soooo
screw text editors, i can code with ides