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I am a wasteof.money user!


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threeqc @threeqc

The forums have been down for 12 hours.

Maybe they’re finally removing them and we can be free.

Sep 22, 2023, 2:20 AM
threeqc @threeqc

unprovoked opinion of the day:

smartphones are an expensive product with high demand.

cable ties are an inexpensive product with high demand.

GPU risers are an inexpensive product with a fairly niche demand.

the Vision Pro is an expensive product with a (for now) niche demand, the worst quadrant for home products.

at least one of those things has to change for the idea to work. the tech is there and it’s amazing, but until it becomes cheap enough for home users who aren’t fabulously wealthy and/or becomes socially or practically desirable for most people, it’ll struggle to get off the ground.

Jun 17, 2023, 1:48 AM