Damn really cured my depression by being happy
This sounds unbelievably stupid but it's amazing to realize the amount of power you have over how other people feel, especially for being happy. It's become so standard to close up and just talk negatively about yourself that you may not realize how easily you can make someone else's day good.
I need to figure out where to find the rascal does not dream series movies... I may be venturing to the high seas soon
Joe m- joe- Joe ma- j- Joe m-- Joe ma- jjj- joeee- Joe m- Joe m- joe- Joe mam-
I hopped on a call with friends to see what they were doing and now I'm DMing their DnD campaign
Time to convince my friends to get Minecraft so we can play on a server together
I skip the sleep part
sleep is like a shitty form of time travel
you set an alarm for the time you want to travel too, go to sleep, dream (optional), then wake up at that time like nothing happened