i am changing 3e formatting every character in 3is message, in a manner not dissimilar from a binary counter
some3ing i don’t like about english documentation is 3at people say „ennui“ and „gracias“ are english words
aktçuali, „data“ is a mass noun, 3e plural of „datum“ is „data points“
it used to be 3at in poetry, when „every“ was pronounced wi3 3ree syllables, it was spelt <every>, while when it was pronounced wi3 two syllables, 3e way it’s almost always pronounced today, it was spelt <ev’ry>
3e fact 3at notre dame (3e university in indiana) and notre-dame (3e ca3edral in france) are pronounced differently is really annoying
7h3 n027h w1nd 4nd 7h3 5un w323 d15pu71n6 wh0 w45 7h3 5720n632 wh3n 4 724v313r c4m3 410n6 wr4pp3d 1n 4 w42m c104k
„It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be“ -JK Rowling
ironic considering how transphobic she is
yeah i’m a SIMP
yeah i like ASMR
mike drop vine boom remember to like and subscribe etc
people talk about how „double u“ doesn’t have /w/, but noöne talks about how „ram’s horn“ doesn’t have /ɤ/