it’s not «cognito ergo sum», it’s «cogito ergo sum»
so unbelievably true
opening the white door with 1 lock using white keys spends 1 white key
tfw when you accidentally semantic satiation yourself into forgetting your friend’s name
does it have to be the same thing over and over again for it to be spam
typing things without looking at the screen two: electric boogaloo
pizza is tummy
lotrm ipsum dolor sit amet sconsectetur adispiscing elt
cognito ergo sum
bini cidi civo
tenpo ni la, mi toki pona li tok Lasin ala
toki! tenpo sike suno MAMW (DEC2021) la, i kama sona e toki pona
mi sona ala e ijo pi mi weli sitelen e ni
okay im speaking english now
augmented triad
breaking bad
sample tezt sample text sample text sample text sample text sample text sample tex sample text sample text sample text sample text sample tet
i wonder what i was goinh yo say; i just wrote the first two words of this santenct before i decided what else i was going yo put here
okay thats enough fot now