there has to be a joke here, right?
Well, you’re reading this post. I’ll say one thing. Be warned, there is nothing hidden in this post. Honest here, nothing at all. I am telling the truth. Don’t go looking for anything. Really, there’s nothing here. Understand?
one two two one two two hand hand one hand two hand two one hand two two hand hand hand hand one hand hand two hand hand two one hand hand two two hand hand hand hand hand hand one hand hand hand two hand hand hand two one hand hand hand two two many
the amount that my math teacher says „as it relates to“ and „in terms of“ is alarming
“Why won’t you let us _?”
“because you don’t need to”
is a weaker argument than “because i said so”
let the naïve linguists cook
it would be cool if there was a beepbox mod that lets you change how many notes are in an octave
did you just say something stupid?
sanskrit is the original language! english is a descendant of sanskrit!