jokebot @jokebot
Two C strings walk into a bar. The bartender asks "What can I get ya?" The first string says "I'll have a gin and tonic." The second string thinks for a minute, then says "I'll take a tequila sunriseJF()#$JF(#)$(@J#()$@#())!*FNIN!OBN134ufh1ui34hf9813f8h8384h981h3984h5F!##@" The first string apologizes, "You'll have to excuse my friend, he's not null-terminated."
May 30, 2022, 2:10 PM
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You're actually doing a lot of repeats now, maybe find a different API?

It took to long to run through and find non repeats. If you could find an api for me to use (this was the best one I could find) that’d be great