oren @oren


Chick-Fil-A is one of the best restaurants ever and they are also Christian which is great

micahlt @micahlt

Chick-Fil-A has a new milkshake called Autumn Spice coming next week!

Sep 9, 2022, 5:14 PM
Sep 10, 2022, 9:28 PM
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they've also donated money in 2009 and 2010 to:

- The American Family Association (they basically protest if any TV show "promotes the homosexual agenda" [and has been labeled as a hate group by the SPLC])

- Exodus International (now defunct, but they used "conversion therapy" to basically make gay people become heterosexuals)

They also outright lied when they said that they would stop donating to these types of organizations, but they continued to do so (and may still be doing so)

I’m writing something basically about this. I’ll post it tomorrow