oren @oren

This post isn’t quite accurate to what I actually believe, and it’s not perfectly written. Sorry.

My views on LGBTQIA+

The Chick-Fil-A thing made me realize I needed to tell y’all what I think about this. Please read this post and if you are going to respond, please do so constructively without just getting mad.

First off, I am a Christian. Therefore my views and beliefs come from the Bible.

So here’s a passage from the Bible:

God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26–27)

In verse 26, it is implied that the image of God resulted in mankind being created male and female. In verse 27, it is stated explicitly. The fact that we bear God’s image is stated three times in these two verses, building to the crescendo of how this is displayed in the fact of us being male and female. Let us make man in our image. So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him. Male and female he created them. Same-sex couplings deny this.

(Also you should read Romans 1:24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; the passage in Romans especially)

Denying God like that is sin. And if you sin, you justly deserve God’s wrath, because you’re rejecting Him.

But there is good news. Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, died for our sins and rose again, eternally triumphant over all his enemies, so that there is now no condemnation for those who believe, but only everlasting joy.

(watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaFRMaqHAdY)

Sex as male or female is an objective, binary classification. In this sense, sex refers to divisions based on reproductive functions. Many today, however, claim that sex is not objective but arbitrary. For example, some assert that sex is “assigned” at birth. This is simply untrue. The sex of a newborn is observed physically by the baby’s sex organs and confirmed genetically through a DNA test.

Being created in the image of God and being male or female are essential to being human. Sex (male and female) is not simply biological or genetic, just as being human is not simply biological or genetic. Sex is first and foremost a spiritual and ontological reality created by God. Being male or female cannot be changed by human hands; sex is a category of God’s handiwork — his original and everlasting design.

As hard as anyone may try to alter this fact in his or her own body, the most that can be done is to artificially remove or augment body parts, or use pharmaceuticals to unnaturally suppress the biological and hormonal reality of one’s essence as male or female. In other words, psychology usurps biology; what I feel becomes who I am. When denying this physical and genetic reality, we allow experience to supersede essence, and more importantly, the image of God.

Postmodernism, coming out of romanticism and existentialism, tells us that “you are what you feel.” Thus, experience reigns supreme, and everything else must bow before it. Sola experientia (“experience alone”) has won out over sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”).

But God is saying, You are who I created you to be. The truth is not something we feel; it is not based on our self-perception. In fact, Scripture tells us that the fallen heart “is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). We can’t trust our own thoughts and feelings, so we need to submit them to God because we can “trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock” (Isaiah 26:4).

Personally, I refuse to place my psychology over my biology, and as a Christian, I refuse to put either above Scripture. I am who God — who makes no mistakes — made me to be. So who am I? Who did God make me to be?

I am created in the image of God, and I am a redeemed Christian teenager. Nothing more. Nothing less.

To be clear though, I still love and respect those who are LGBTQ+. God gave us free will, so you have the right to make such a choice. If I am ever mean, please let me know.

Also btw, if you want to talk about this, please ask me or comment. I’ll try to answer your questions or objections. Please actually be willing to talk though, don’t just rant about how I’m wrong.

Thanks to my youth pastor and one of my youth leaders for helping me write this post

Sep 11, 2022, 6:58 PM


Sex as male or female is an objective, binary classification.

I don’t mean to be “pushing my beliefs on you”, but intersex people undeniably exist, and sometimes people use the fact that the bible supports the binary to justify non-concentually performing surgery on children to make them fit into the traditional binary, and then don’t tell them that they are intersex until a while after.

I know you really hate it when people reply to this post, but as long as you decide to keep this up, someone will probably come back to pick it apart.

People quite frankly have reason to be mad at this post, it furthers the awful rhetoric that anybody who isn’t cis and fits in the gender binary is to be looked down on.

I have confronted people about this before, and they in stress say “actually they’re just men and women with messed up development”, sure there can be some with XX and XY chromosomes, and their genitals didn’t grow as expected, but there are intersex people who literally don’t have XX or XY chromosones.

Intersex People Exist:





The horrible things your argument could also support:



Bro give it a rest. This post is not exactly right and isn't well written. I think we should just agree to disagree. Because there's effectively no good outcomes for an argument. It will only lead to more hate. I do think you have good points though. I just don't think you'd be very happy for me to respond to them

Bro no way, you have 77 comments, but also cool talk 👍

This is my most commented on post (also it’s 79 comments now)

you can see my other highly commented posts at https://wasteofstats.lindsey.studio/users/oren (click on see full stats)

ikr I had to throw in a plug for my site (it’s actually really cool though)

feeling kind of null about this

this post has the most comments lol

first of all, i am a good guy. therefore all my views come from a good brain. therefore i can tell that you are a stupid fricking dummy and i hope jesus comes to you and says ur dumb

if you have a good brain, you must not be using all of it

just so you know, i am atheist

a lot of people on here are

Alright before I begin dealing with this post itself, it makes nothing better about chick-fil-a. There’s still no reason to defend them, even considering your beliefs. Even if LGBTQIA+ was a sin, does chick-fil-a need to get involved with it? Do they really need to donate that much against them?

This is true. Chick-Fil-A shouldn’t have gotten involved

Many today, however, claim that sex is not objective but arbitrary.

absolutely no one is claiming this, we’re claiming gender exists

Completely different thing from what I’m 99% sure he’s thinking of, see my reply below.


literally everyone knows that gender exists. The difference is whether it’s fixed or you get to decide what it is

Also, sidenote, when it says “sex” in that section it probably means “gender”

you don’t really get to decide what it is though

transgender people say that you do get to decide

no they don’t?! who’s saying that?!

if you’re transgender you’re literally deciding your gender. Changing your gender to what you want is the same as deciding what it is

That’s not what it means lol but I’m not in the mood to explain transgenderism rn.

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I decided to be trans-? that’s like saying that straight people decide to be straight, just doesn’t work that way :P

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I’m currently in class so I cannot read the entire thing, but here’s just a minor issue from the part that I have read that doesn’t really affect anything important.

About those claiming that that sex is “assigned” at birth, I assume you’re talking about the terms “AFAB” and “AMAB”? In which case, I think it’s a misnomer with multiple layers. First, I think it’s just a misuse of the word “assigned”, and the person who created these terms probably doesn’t actually think they’re assigned, it was just the best term they could think of at the time. Second, they’re hidden in acronyms, which are more their own words than a phrase. Nobody thinks “laughing out loud” when they see “LOL”, they think “LOL”. “AFAB” and “AMAB” have become their own terms separate from their acronyms, so nobody really thinks of the “assigned” in these phrases. They pick up these phrases from the previous person they saw using it and never think about the word “assigned” ever again.

Of course, you say “For example”, so there is probably a better example of people claiming sex as arbitrary. Just change the example and it should be fine. Or if not, just replace or remove that paragraph entirely. It’s just a minor issue as I said, and doesn’t really affect your point. I’ll probably have something more important to say later.

Nice post but I’m still not getting chick fil a.

this is a question i have always wanted to ask religious people but i have never been able to phrase it right.

i mean it in a very inoffensive way, how do you know your book is right? there's so many different religions, what makes your take the “correct” one?

common W jeffalo

See my response above!

Edit: well I guess it's not technically “above”, more below.

fair question

See my response above!

Edit: well I guess it's not technically “above”, more below.

That's a very good question actually! There are people that have lots of reasons, but mine is the fact that the source material was written by a whole lot of different people over thousands of years. There are prophecies that were written hundreds of years before they were fulfilled. There are outside sources (not considered theological texts) that uphold the historical elements of the Bible. Also just the fact that so many authors would write so many different genres (poetry, history, laws, etc) that all have the same goal. The history of the Bible is actually a really interesting thing to study, even if you're not a Christian. Its development is super cool imo.

interesting, thanks. but there are older religions too, no?

Also, how do you explain the fact that thousands of people (the ones who originally wrote the books of the Bible) were killed and persecuted and still refused to deny their faith?


and, there are around 24,000 ancient copies of the Bible, more than any other ancient text (religious or non-religious), from as early as the second century. Why would they copy it so much if it were fake?

(in case you can’t tell i’ve learned a lot of apologetics)

also, here’s a quote from life way research that’s pretty good

The evidence we do have is that most of the New Testament authors were put to death—sometimes in gruesome, painful ways—for giving the testimony that Jesus had died and risen from the dead.

It’s doubtful that after Jesus’ death, they made up a story that He rose from the dead knowing that very story would likely be the reason they would suffer and be put to death themselves.

Though one can speculate it’s possible these men knowingly conspired to preach what they absolutely knew was a lie, in real life that’s not how people practically behave.

Good question. I stand for science; it can be proven and doesn’t leave a ton of questions unanswered.

The Bible is actually the most reliable ancient document there is.

If you believe that Caesar existed, well, there’s less evidence for that then for Jesus Christ

Science, in fact, can't prove anything. Science is just a study, while the Bible matches up with many historical records.

This is some real "i have an F in science" energy

From a “secular” source (https://futurism.com/can-science-prove-anything-2): “In short, you should never use this term in order to avoid embarrassment.  The history of science is replete with examples of people that were positive they had proven something. … The list of "proven" and then disproven scientific phenomena also includes humors, a flat Earth, heliocentrism, the list goes on and on.”

Also, FYI, I have literally all 100%s in all my classes (“Prep” school and five weeks, five tests in.)

You seem like a very rude person from the comments I’ve seen from you on wasteof. Maybe you should try being a bit more friendly in your tone while writing online. Also, I would recommend staying away from passive-aggressive statements, because they are logical fallacies (an ad hominem fallacy to be exact. You can read more about some logical fallacies at https://authorscast.com/why-should-you-avoid-logical-fallacies-in-your-writing).

I hope you have a wonderful day (or night) and learned something from this comment.

@scoldercreations is actually a very nice person, this specific topic is the only time I’ve seen him be rude

Yeah l don't like this topic

Science just creates testable explanations and theories, it can never prove anything

W + followed + milk

very constructive comment