chester @chester

Today I got in trouble for swearing at school. Instantly that's a bit absurd, given that I was just talking among friends. Thing is, they're going to make me sit at a table with a supervisor and discuss this. But I'm not going to do that. I'm going to dispute this, because I actually have what I think is the perfect plan to argue against this punishment. Wish me luck

Sep 23, 2022, 1:08 AM


good luck o7

“cussing is against god’s will“ teacher mfs when they hear scolder cuss:

supervisor???? Wtf?? What school are you going?!

like the ones who watch kids at recess and stuff

bruh I literally swear in front of my principal and teachers a lot and they dont care.

The reason is because they're going to ask me who I impacted. The answer is nobody, because nobody actually cares. The only person who cared was the teacher, a person who just admitted to me that they swear sometimes.

The more I think about this the more my confidence grows. Without somebody that my actions have impacted, I can't think of a single way they could get me in actual trouble for them. That is, if they have any common sense, and I'm lucky with whichever supervisor I get.