mef @mef

Daily Cube Fact: the cubes have recently purchased Jupiter

Sep 28, 2022, 11:33 AM
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the ICPC (Intergalactic Council for Planetary Colonization)

Buy the ICPC??

Yes, rename to intergalactic council for planterary Cubing

99% sure the cubes don’t have THAT kind of monetary power, they’re the 8th wealthiest faction of 52 or 53 (still don’t know if the inverted tetrahedrons have been fully considered as an intergalactic faction yet).

Also they’re 15th in terms of political following so them renaming a central part of government would be very much out of their grasp.

You must post all of these in few daily facts lol

yes, also, I am 100% making lore for all of this