chester @chester

No matter how you look at it, humanity has no purpose. If we were created in order to continue to create more people, that doesn't make sense because there isn't any actual goal other than continuing to exist, which doesn't make a lot of sense. Scientifically speaking, if people just evolved out of basically nowhere, there definitely isn't a purpose for humanity.

I almost beat Shovel Knight Dig today and then I died trying to fight a Goldarmor.

Jan 21, 2023, 7:24 PM


biologically/evolutionarily our purpose is to continue existing, but existentially/personally you have no set purpose and it’s up to you to make one up.

I’d say a good goal is to try and be happy, because what else can we do?

never would I have thought a goal so simple would be so complicated

That’s part of the reason i’m a Christian, because there’s a reason for everything

Yeah. It's probably a lot easier to be productive if you believe there's a purpose even existing at all.

gramr: the sequel

I was at the final level, and had barely any health left. I could see the safe zone beneath me, and then the enemy behind me decided it wanted to strike.