lily @lily

@/esben has to be a troll

Mar 25, 2023, 1:21 PM
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“Oh an account saying their gender is firefox (A fucking web browser” is not a troll? Are you insane?

derter when account posts xenogenders (you’re insane!!!) vs derter when account posts homophobia (shut up hypocrite + ratio)

“but just ignore it, don’t look at it”

i had said previously that since xenogenders aren’t offensive to you then i supposed (at the time) that it would be fine for you to ignore it but you hadn’t listened to me

Just because something doesn’t affect me doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to say it’s stupid.

it’s not objectively stupid though, that’s just your (wrong) opinion

So I can’t have an opinion on something? Cool didn’t know

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Also genders on fucking web browsers are stupid and it’s probably just attention seeking, and I think most would agree with me on that.

derter when try not to be queerphobic for 2 milliseconds challenge

Honestly if I’m queerphobic for thinking a gender on a web browser is stupid than so fucking be it.

of fucking course you would say that -w-

bro said the word 😭

that he did lmeow

“““queerphobic””” There are probably more queer people who share that opinion than queer people who don’t.

portalpower when be normal, ignore other people and focus on yourself challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

It is pretty stupid actually

scolder nobody gives a fuck !! ^w^

genuienly impressed you managed to be transphobic in this argument bro had to go out of their way

so true bestie